The story of Freda Byaburakirya

It’s coming to 5pm when we arrive at Freda Byaburakirya’s home. She is not expecting us. Our lead guide of Nyaka Foundation, one Mr Ngabirano insists we should meet her. Freda’s home sits in the quiet green enveloped with trees as you drive downhill from the premises of Nyaka Foundation. She has been there for as long as she can remember. The little brown spots … Continue reading The story of Freda Byaburakirya

Jirani & Other short stories

Society has always been evolving to become better. For this to happen there are certain uncomfortable conversations that have to be held. It takes the most courageous to lead on these conversations. And that is what the stories in Jirani & Other Short Stories are all about. These stories are here to challenge our thought structure. These stories live among us. We are these stories. … Continue reading Jirani & Other short stories

Tio Kauma on Career Planning

#360Mentor is a continuation of the #40DayMentor series. In this episode, Robert Kabushenga (RK) speaks to Tio Kauma (TK) on Career Planning. RK: Hello Tio, good to have you here. How are you? TK: I am well. It’s cold in Cairo but we are good. RK: This is the time of year when people are thinking of what to do the following year. Do you anticipate that we are likely to … Continue reading Tio Kauma on Career Planning

Timothy Musoke on Challenges of Raising Capital to Scale up

#360Mentor is a continuation of the #40DayMentor series. In this episode, Robert Kabushenga (RK) speaks to Timothy Musoke (TM) on Challenges of Raising Capital to scale up. RK: Tim, are you there? Good to have you on #360Mentor TM: Yes, I am. Good to be here too. RK: Why are you called ‘Lil Timmy’? TM: I could never have guessed such a question. That’s my high school name. If you were … Continue reading Timothy Musoke on Challenges of Raising Capital to Scale up

Grace Makoko on Taming Personal Finances

#360Mentor is a continuation of the #40DayMentor series. In this episode, Robert Kabushenga (RK) speaks to Grace Makoko (GM) on Taming Personal Finance. RK: Grace, it is good to have you back on #360Mentor GM: Thank you for the invite, Robert. RK: I will start with the very basic question, Grace. Why is it important for people to plan their finances? GM: What I will say is that finances are not … Continue reading Grace Makoko on Taming Personal Finances

Atamba Lakeli on Living a Healthy Lifestyle

#360Mentor is a continuation of the #40DayMentor series. In this episode, Robert Kabushenga (RK) speaks to Atamba Lakeli (AL) on Living a Healthy Lifestyle. RK: Welcome to #360Mentor Atamba AL: Thanks for the invite. RK: Great! Atamba, were you born doing pushups? Al: I was quite athletic during my primary, secondary and university days. RK: Why? Ll: I liked it. I liked proving my strength, showing off too in the tag … Continue reading Atamba Lakeli on Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Andy Kristian Agaba on Finance & Enterprise

#360Mentor is a continuation of the #40DayMentor series. In this episode, Robert Kabushenga (RK) speaks to Andy Kristian Agaba (AA) on Finance & Enterprise. RK:It’s been a long time waiting to have you on #360Mentor. Thank you for being here, Andy AA: Thanks for having me, Robert. RK: You told me before that you are from Sheema, right? AA: No. bushenyi. Ruhinda RK: So, an incredible story of this Bushenyi … Continue reading Andy Kristian Agaba on Finance & Enterprise

Joan Nkiriki on Career Choices

#360Mentor is a continuation of the #40DayMentor series. In this episode, Robert Kabushenga (RK) speaks to Joan Nkiriki (JN) on Career Choices. RK: Joan, it’s good to have you on the show today. JN: Thank you for the invite. RK: Did I get the name Joan Nkiriki right? Which part of Uganda does that come from? JN: The full name is Joan Rachel Nkiriki Nyarubona Akiiki. My dad is from Bulindi, … Continue reading Joan Nkiriki on Career Choices

Harriet Anena on Creative Writing, Literary Collaborations & Curiosity

#360Mentor is a continuation of the #40DayMentor series. In this episode, Robert Kabushenga (RK) speaks to Harriet Anena (HA) about creative writing, literary collaborations, and curiosity. RK: Welcome Anena HA: Thank you, Robert. RK: How is New York? HA: New York is good. It’s sunny here today. RK: Thank you for agreeing to share with us today. HA: Thank you for having me. RK: My main interest today is to pick … Continue reading Harriet Anena on Creative Writing, Literary Collaborations & Curiosity