Hey buddy,
I hope you are online. I thought I should check out on you.
I’m told you were mad because I didn’t respond instantly to the whatsapp message you left me. And my messenger, has of recent, struggled to receive my attention. Of the dms, those are quite a number. I rarely check. But I am okay.
Instant messages were building a mall in my head and the weight was so unbearable. And when I thought of the recent developments of people throwing each other bullets over a car scratch, I thought I deserved a break from this vibe of trends. But I am fine.
I just learnt to turn off all my notifications to get some breathing space. I was getting asthmatic just grappling with breath.
As you know our online world, it gets super crazy at times. When you find yourself a member of over five whatsapp groups where people work in turns, as one team leaves the chat room another enters. You find the notification thread bleeding with a lot of sweat. And yet notifications have this sympathy look over the screen of one’s phone that they always invite you into swiping to attend to them only to find that all someone wants of you is to type Amen and forward the message to 12 other people in a record three minutes.
So I have decided to none all of that. To work and be able to respond to the life offline, it’s mine too.
Remember how we cried over the cost of being online. We have since walked closer to uncrying the lament but the hook still hooks deeper.
And in the midst of mine own struggles come the thought of those like me and more so the little ones. Those who still have an excitement of being online.
Them, to whom an internet bundle of UGX 300 still means a life and more.

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