Standing on the Platform

If it were to be like then, then it would not be nice. There is always a story left untold, that is, if not unsought. When you trace the changes that have come along with the past decade, there is a lot to tell. It registers a quick shift from the passionate scribbling of faked affections in the name of letter writing to sending a DM. 

We all have stories to tell, pictures to paint and words to write. Ten years ago, people resented and dreaded writing. In my school, it were those students of Literature that did those things. The rest of us watched and followed from the rare. But that was then. I confess, at a certain point in my secondary  school, I was bitten by the writing bug and I wrote her a letter, whatever happened to it, the Post’s man knows. There is a lot to ask about the post office. Where are those guys?

We have moved on and re-branded communication. Communication is easier than it were any time back. We live nearer than borders since the world sits in our palms. We sit worshiping our small gods in a dedicated service of connectivity. As we tweet, facebook, whatsapp, and do all those reach outs, one thing remains; the thread of “conversationeering.” 

We have more friends than ever thought to have. We have more friends than we ever need to have. And we have more friends than there is need to have. Out of a thread of about 100 friends, only 25 are knitted together. Depending on what you use social media for, it is a very good venture that shall forever be a recount of this decade. We are the “social mediacts.” If there is anything to be forgotten, let it be remembered that we gave paper a hard time. If there is history to be reversed, let it be written; we taught our seniors how to use gadgets. This is the people we are. The ones who sumarised  the world in the palms of their hands. 

We have decided to meet and see our faces; meeting one on one. This is what we are going to be doing on the 28th June 2014, at the HiveCOLab. We shall be meeting for the Social Media Day, the first of its kind in Kampala. That evening at 1600hrs, we shall be there. 

If anything be forgotten, let the date be saved.


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