A SELFIE OF SORTS We refuse to address words with the right terms because we want to be seen as caring or generous people. Truth is that, we are all selfish. We keep the dear things to ourselves and the (irrelevant) surplus we give away—generously. Look at a child, a baby less than a year. This small creature while suckling the breast, stenches out … Continue reading
Author: David Kangye
#TellAFeministThankYou. Continue reading #TellAFeministThankYou
this is not feminism, its about character Continue reading #TellAFeministThankYou
Renewed Promise to my Blog. There are things we don’t know. I did not know it were like this, that’s why I abandoned you. I thought that with a blog, everything would freely flow like water—uninterrupted. There is this thing that grips on you and feel like this is the real thing. Then in a very short span it lets you free and it’s gone. … Continue reading
WAIT FOR MY TURN In the bid to be the daring person I have chosen to be, I put forward my resolve. When I become the lecturer, I will be terrible. I will treat my damn students with such a hand. I will do the best harshness has ever got. I don’t want to speak doom, no! all I want is to wake up one … Continue reading
#ListenToSouthSudan The hearts beating; weary of the rumour of the night Eyes squinting; fearing to close to the sight of darkness The body cringes clinging on the tussle looking for warmth –if any there is The streets of our land have turned the graveyards of our souls- hear on our land We smell the stench of our own because we’ve denied them a burial- … Continue reading
The end of my love affair with Bubbles O' Leary's

The world's biggest democracy needs almost a million polling stations
IN THE SERVICE OF IDD AMIN So he called us to the front and ordered us to go with to the battlefront. We took our guns to go and raid the magistrate’s home. The man had escaped and left behind all his property. Very valuable property! I couldn’t stand Amin in the eye. I quit. Continue reading