Together we can #SaveCarol

Let me tell you about Carol
It is 4pm when Steven Daniels and I walk into Carol Atuhirwe’s home. We are moved by the big numbers of people already in. We are here to visit Carol.
Carol is one of the victims of the defunct radiotherapy machine that was in the news about two weeks ago. Her family and friends are running a campaign dubbed #SaveCarol.
We have come on board to join hands and raise $80,000 for her treatment in the USA.
Carol was not like this five years ago. Like you and me, she would eat and talk with her mouth, something she cannot do today. She has both lung and throat cancer and we have to do something about it.

Carol’s story is representative of many cancer patients in Uganda stuck without treatment since the breakdown of the machine. They cannot afford the treatment abroad and yet they are in pain.
Carol’s story has made a difference. Because of her story, the government is taking 400 cancer patients out of the 40,000 to Nairobi at the Aga Khan Hospital for treatment.
Our government should get ashamed of its inefficiency and find a solution for the cancer patients. At this time, what  the cancer patients need is not an explanation but rather a solution to find treatment and save a life.
A car wash is being organized as a means to raise the funds on the 23rd April 2016 at Panamera and each car will be washed at UGX 50,000. T-shirts are  also on sale at UGX 30,000.
To help Carol, send her mobile money account on 0784168178 or 0701930150
Account Number 1036100855574(Equity Bank)
When we come together, we can make a difference.

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